Sarah K. Good

Work in Progress

It seems as though the process I take to get to my final product interests people just as much as the painting itself. Although I would rather my work to be seen once it is completed, I can understand the appeal of seeing all the stages before the finished product, because I find it intriguing myself. For those of you who appreciate the progress as much as the product, this is for you.

There is a group of painters that get together some weeks and paint a head study. On those nights I try to take a picture at the end of every break. These can be seen already on my site in Recent Works. I hope to share some of them with you from time to time.

If I arrive early enough, get to pick a good spot to set up. I got a nice 3/4 view. We then set a timer and get busy!

Photo of Model

Tim, Our Model

This first stage is after 20 min. of painting.



After sketching out the head, I start to pick out pieces where I refine my drawing and add color. Each break comes a little too fast….

Stage 2

Oil Painting

Tim, Stage 2

It is still a struggle to get correct proportions and color temperatures.

Stage 3

oil painting

Time, Stage 3


After this amount of time, the model normally has difficultly staying alert after 10 min of sitting.  This is really only the half way point. Thankfully for us, Tim braved it for another sitting.

Stage 4


oil painting

Tim, Stage 4

The model actually left early on this night, but managed to stay for one final sitting. He seems a bit sleepy…

Stage 5

oil painting, by Sarah K Good

Tim, Stage 5

As always, when the end came it was hard to put down the brush and call the piece done. I know our model appreciated it! In this particular study, I really felt I had too much broken patches, and overly yellow areas.  For the next time we met, I really tried to keep that in mind as I painted. Each of these is really just a “quick” note (at least in “painting time” it’s quick… kinda has the” dog years/inception” phenomena). They are nothing more than sketches or learning tools.

Have a wonderful week!